Whole Person ~ Whole Planet Blog

with Victoria Hanchin

The REAL Choice This Election: To Mindfully Evolve or Reactively De-volve

In this timely blog, I share some vital brain science with you about your brain. This news may be the most important breakthrough available currently. New brain science documents that excessive stress can “dumb you down,” by literally damaging your brain, and disrupting access to higher brain functions. Fortunately, brain science has also verified daily practices that can help you repair such stress-induced brain damage. This is where brain science can become your new best friend.

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The Ecstasy Manifesto: My Personal Response to the Terrorists

For years I have, like many of you, responded with various attempts to act mindfully to the unrelenting acts of terrorism, and the copy-cat gun violence mass shootings engendered by them

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Tracking the Shift of the Ages into 2013

It has been said that if you are living on this planet at this historic time, your Soul chose to be here to participate in the Great Shift of the Ages....

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Joy Not Fear: Preparing for the December 21, 2012 Shift

Here we are, in the “countdown” for December 21. 2012– the much publicized and much misunderstood closing of the Mayan Calendar and the Great Shift of the Ages....

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Becoming Seers and Sayers

We are living in the historic time frame of the end of the Mayan Calendar. A 26,000-year cycle is ending, as well as the Long Count of roughly 5200 years. So far, it looks like a chaotic, negative, polarized mess down here! What is going on with this predicted Shift of the Ages as we count down to December 21, 2012?

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The Shift is Hitting the Fan: Tuning in to 11-11-11

Well, dear co-journeyer on this great human adventure, I am pleased to report that, as a comic (and cosmic!) visionary has aptly declared, “the Shift is hitting the fan!” (from “Swami Beyondananda,” aka Steve Bhaerman, www.wakeuplaughing.com ). Even though global events appear mostly grim and chaotic at the surface, something awesome is happening below the radar. Millions of humans are becoming aware of our interconnection and Oneness. Consciousness is shifting. And I have gathered persuasive evidence of that to share with you.

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Got Joy?

2011 will be a pivotal year: do we stay stuck in polarization and fear, or breakthrough into love and joy?

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The Transformative Power of Returning to “Conversations that Matter”

Did you know that a group that listens deeply to one another uncovers their “collective wisdom”? How would the world be different if we had more of THAT going on in our communities?

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2010 Blessings from a Blue Moon

A Blue Moon—a second Full Moon in the same month—occurs as we transition out of 2009 on New Year’s Eve, and launch into 2010. What is the significance of that link-up for us humans?

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Restore the Balance of the Feminine on the Planet

As we face the challenges of the future, it is clear that women’s wisdom, values and voices are sorely needed. There is a global need for women to lead. And women are leading in unique ways.

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Falcons, Bats and the G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh

What do Peregrine falcons and bats have to do with the G-20 Economic Summit in Pittsburgh PA, USA, September 24-25, 2009? Well, amazingly, a personal encounter with a Peregrine falcon and seven bats succeeded in providing the answer.

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